Entre a cova e o berço

Modos de significação e trabalho na Roça do Futuro


  • Bruna Távora Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
  • Marcelo Rangel Universidade Federal de Sergipe https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6462-3432
  • Antônio Vinícius Gonçalves Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Communication;, Counter-colonization;, Agroecology;, Language;, Landless Workers' Movement.


In this article, we reflect on the relationship between work and modes of signification, observing the metaphor "Roça do Futuro" and the opposition between the words "grave" and "cradle," used by the farmer Ivanilson Leal and his family, who live in the Assentamento Paulo Freire II, linked to the Landless Workers' Movement in the municipality of Estância/Sergipe. Through epistemological references that consider communication beyond the act of message transmission, we reflect on the ethical, technical, and aesthetic aspects produced in the experience. The methodology consisted of two meetings. In the first, we conducted an audiovisual recording in an interview/interviewee format, and in the second, we validated the results and made additions of content requested by them. The results point to the organic linkage between productive practices and modes of signification and constitute counter-colonial paths for thinking about new futures, both for the production of ideas and for the production of food.


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How to Cite

Távora, B., Rangel , M., & Gonçalves , A. V. (2024). Entre a cova e o berço: Modos de significação e trabalho na Roça do Futuro. Revista Eco-Pós, 27(3), 183–206. https://doi.org/10.29146/eco-ps.v27i3.28348