“Stay with me”

A live-streamed murder and the urgency of media witnessing


  • Marlon Santa Maria Dias Unochapecó




media witnessing, testimonial image, live streaming, racism, police violence


This essay discusses media witnessing in contemporary times, focusing on how this type of testimony reveals forms of production and recognition of suffering in digital networks. To do so, it starts with the analysis of an exemplary case: a Facebook live streaming of a black man murder by the police, which occurred in the United States in 2016. The text explores three aspects: 1) the context of the production of social suffering, relating it to the racism that supports and permeates police violence; 2) the reference to other images whose existence is linked to the analyzed live streaming; 3) the ethical and aesthetical singularities of the testimonial image. The essay concludes that there is an expansion of the notion of witness through a narrative and audiovisual form of recording suffering.


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How to Cite

Santa Maria Dias, M. (2024). “Stay with me”: A live-streamed murder and the urgency of media witnessing. Revista Eco-Pós, 27(1), 185–209. https://doi.org/10.29146/eco-ps.v27i1.28086