Ciborgue das Trincheiras

A Mediação Tecnológica e a Midiatização do Corpo Híbrido em Combate




situated knowledges, TikTok, war, Ukraine, Cyborg


This essay aims to discuss technical mediation through mobile devices, particularly smartphones, and its impact on the communication of young soldiers within the trenches of the war in Ukraine. Such mediation through smartphones and new media forms a unique context for contemplating performativity from an already dystopian surveillance context, further exacerbated by the survival conditions in the trenches. The essay explores the human/technological opposition, including critiques of scientific objectivity, and thus introduces the concept of the cyborg as presented in Donna Haraway's manifesto (2016). It underscores Haraway's critical contribution to socio-technical imaginaries and the defense of boundaries over mutual acceptance, challenging the dichotomies and binaries prevalent in Western epistemology. Therefore, the essay proposes a new human ontology that embraces the contradictions inherent to human existence, as opposed to the purism of Christian revivalism and other promises of modern civilization.


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Author Biography

Yasmin Curzi, IESP - UERJ

Human Rights Professor in the undergraduate program at FGV Law Rio, with a master's degree in sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and a doctorate from the Graduate Program in Sociology at the Institute of Social and Political Studies at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ). Currently, she coordinates the Diversity & Inclusion Program at Fundação Getulio Vargas (PD&I) and is an associated researcher at the Center for Technology and Society (CTS-FGV).


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How to Cite

Thomaz, G., & Curzi, Y. (2024). Ciborgue das Trincheiras: A Mediação Tecnológica e a Midiatização do Corpo Híbrido em Combate. Revista Eco-Pós, 27(1), 168–184.