“It looks legit to me context-wise”

Olavo de Carvalho, Conspirationism and Disinformation as Political Program





Olavo de Carvalho, misinformation, conspiracy theories, scientific negationism


Olavo de Carvalho was an important social actor in the context of the rise of the so-called new right in Brazil. As a prominent opinion maker, Carvalho’s ideas were consumed and distributed by a vast public of conservative leanings. He was also instrumental as an agent of misinformation and dissemination of fake news in the years preceding Jair Bolsonaro’s presidential election. This work aims to investigate the philosopher’s main strategies for the spread of false information based on a conspiratorial view of reality and opposition to the traditional institutions of knowledge production.


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Author Biography

Erick Felinto, State University of Rio de Janeiro

Erick Felinto is a researcher for CNPq and holds a professorship at UERJ, where he leads research on film studies, cyberculture and politics. He was a visiting professor at Universität der Künste Berlin and NYU. He authored the books "A Religião das Máquinas: Ensaios sobre o Imaginário da Cibercultura" (Sulina), "O Explorador de Abismos: Vilém Flusser e o Pós-Humanismo" (Paulus) e "A Imagem Espectral: Comunicação, Cinema e Fantasmagoria Tecnológica" (Ateliê Editorial), among others.



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How to Cite

Felinto, E. (2023). “It looks legit to me context-wise”: Olavo de Carvalho, Conspirationism and Disinformation as Political Program. Revista Eco-Pós, 26(01), 12–30. https://doi.org/10.29146/eco-ps.v26i01.28143