A Volta do Medo Atômico

As imagens das explosões nas séries Twin Peaks e Chernobyl


  • Milton do Prado Franco Neto PUCRS
  • Cristiane Freitas Gutfreind PUCRS




nuclear, atomic, representation, cinema, series


This article proposes an analysis of the scenes of nuclear explosions in the series Twin Peaks (2017) and Chernobyl (2019), comparing them with the representation of nuclear images in other films, whether documentaries or fiction. The objective is to understand how these two series explore and configure the fear of destruction, in a way foreshadowing the moment of current atomic tension arising from the Russian threats made after the invasion of Ukraine. For this, we will mainly use the studies of Evans (1998) and Puiseux (1998, 2006, 2020) to build an overview of the representation of the bomb in film, in addition to relying on the concept of circuit of sensations by Jervis (2015) and the idea of irrepresentability of the bomb defended by Anders (2011). Keywords: nuclear, atomic, representation, cinema, series.


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ANDERS, G. La Obsolescencia del hombre (Vol. II) – Sobre la destrucción de la vida en la época de la tercera revolucion industrial. Trad. Josep Monter Pérez. Valencia: Editorial Pre-Textos, 2011.

EVANS, J. E. Celluloid Mushrooms Clouds – Holywood and the Atomic Bomb. Boulder: Westview Press, 1998.

JERVIS, J. Sensational Subjects: The Dramatization of Experience in the Modern World. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.

MOHAN, U.; TREE, S. Hiroshima, the American Media, and the Construction of Conventional Wisdom. In: The Journal of American-East Asian Relations, v. 4, n. 2, Special Issue—Above the Mushroom Clouds: Fifieth Anniversary Perspectives. Eiden: Brill, 1995, pp. 141-160.

PUISEUX, H. L’Apocalypse nucléaire et son cinema. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1988. Introdução e Conclusão disponíveis respectivamente em http://helene-puiseux.fr/spip.php?article484 e http://helene-puiseux.fr/spip.php?article485. Consultados em 4 de junho de 2022.

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_______. Retour sur l’Apocalypse nucléaire. Site pessoal da autora, 2020. Disponível em http://helene-puiseux.fr/spip.php?article487. Consultado em 5 de junho de 2022.



How to Cite

do Prado Franco Neto, M., & Freitas Gutfreind, C. . (2022). A Volta do Medo Atômico: As imagens das explosões nas séries Twin Peaks e Chernobyl . Revista Eco-Pós, 25(2), 193–212. https://doi.org/10.29146/ecops.v25i2.27901